Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pish Posh by Ellen Potter

Clara has a gift. In mere seconds she can spot a Nobody in her family restaurant, Pish Posh, which is always full of Somebodies. She prides herself on this, though it doesn't endear her to others, but she doesn't need friends because most kids her age are stupid and will grow up to be Nobodies. Besides, she has glamorous parents, her own penthouse flat and 157 of the same little black dresses.

Things start to change though when she dismisses one particular Nobody from the restaurant, and sets off a chain of mysterious events which Clara, despite her excellent breeding and Should Know Betterness, can't stay away from. Strange encounters, family secrets, budding friendship and handy spy gear abound in this charming story of a Girl Who Has It All . . . Or Does She?

Pish Posh is light; lightly sweet, lightly adventurous, lightly humorous and lightly mysterious. I'm definitely going to have my 11 year old sister read it. Quirky characters, unexpected twists, and Life Lessons Sans Extremely Traumatic Events add up to a great Juvenile read. The writing, as expected, was simple and excellent. Ellen Potter how can I be you? I've taken the first step by requesting Spilling Ink from the library, but Patron X just REFUSES to return it so I continue to wait and wait . . .

Anyway. A delightful quick read, and now I'm on the hunt for the Olivia Kidney books.

Book source: Local library.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thanks for such a nice review! Let me see what I can do about Patron X.
    Ellen Potter
